

it is a girl name ...


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Ibha Elephant
Idhika Another name for parvathi
Idhitri One who praises


Iha The earth
Ihina Enthusiasm
Ihitha Desired
Iksha Sight
Ikshana Sight
Ikshitha Visible
Ila Earth, daughter of Manu
Ilampirai Young crescent
Ilavalagi Young and beautiful
Ilisha Queen of the earth
Ina Mother
Inayat Kindness
Indira Goddess Lakshmi
Indiya Knowledgeable
Indrakshi One with beautiful eyes
Indrani Wife of Indra
Indratha Power and dignity of Indra
Indrayani The name of a sacred river
Indu Moon
Induja Narmada river
Indukala Digit of the moon
Indulala Moon light
Induleksh The moon
Induma Moon
Indumati The full moon
Indumukhi With moonlike face
Inika Little earth
Iniya Sweet
Inkurali Sweet voice
Ipsa Desire
Ipsita Desired
Ira Earth; muse
Iraja Daughter of the wind
Iravati The river Ravi
Isai Music
Isha One who protects
Ishana Rich
Ishani Parvati, wife of Lord Shiva
Ishanika Belonging to the north east
Ishanya North east
Ishika Paint brush
Ishita Mastery; wealth
Ishwari Goddess
Ivy A creeper
Iyalisai Music